We want our children to have fun and be socially happy!
Genius Events has organized a weekly event for them where they can have fun doing various activities.
We will play together, sing and create various characters, to stimulate creativity, imagination and develop skills, all in English! The event can be held also online and the children can have fun from the comfort of their home. We will create teams and interact with each other. Every kid that participates at the event will receive a kit made of various texts, flashing cards, and videos. These material will help us to create various activities that stimulates creativity and imagination.
Because we care about the future generations’ wellbeing!
PROGRAM Saturday and Sunday from 15:00 to 18:00
For information contact us via at info@geniusevents.eu or submit the form bellow.


Yellow Falshing Cards
The Yellow Flash are cards with mixed images that encourage the kids to create a story using the items seen in the images.
White Flashing Cards
The White Flashing Card contain different images from the same group of activities, animal world, shapes, numbers, colours and many other. These cards are used for creating tests to verify the knowledge of each kid about the items in the images, all in a fun way. The kids will be asked to nominate also other items from the same group that are not shown on the flashing cards. This will revise the information each kid already has about various group of images.
Coloring & Learning!
We will play and learn and color various templates. Each kid will receive in their kit multiple templates with various images. For the online event the kids will use their own pencil colors and for the event in location we will provide all the necessary materials.


from 3PM to 6PM
from 3PM to 6PM
Activities & Materials

The Fun Theatre
Improvisation teaches the brain to actively listen, communicate verbally and non-verbally, be open to ideas, respond quickly in the moment, use imagination, collaborate, effectively use emotions, be more engaging, be flexible to change and be more aware of what’s going on around us.
During improvisations, children learn to spontaneously create a script based on instant suggestions. They collaborate ideas together, for the purpose of entertaining the audience and themselves. Each kid is encouraged to bring a staffed animal or a pupet to be their own mascote. We will get to know each mascote and will create scenes where the kids can act and improvise various situations. Some days we will also make plays with costumes and lines for each character that the kids will interpret.


Colouring templates

Flashing Cards & Templates
- Working kit (via mail)
- Lesson and Games
Flashing Cards & Templates
- Working kit & materials
- Lessons and Games
- Merenda break
The Fun Theatre
- Woprking kit & script
- Improvisations and staging the story in the script
The Fun Theatre
- Working kit & script
- Props & costume accessories
- Improvisations and staging the story in the script
- Merenda break
Hello! I’m Mrs. Alex
Get In Touch Anytime!
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